Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie und Physik
Freie Universität Berlin - Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem (Raum 031)
Wintersemester 2010-2011, Dienstag 17.00 Uhr

-- Prof. Dr. Klaus Ecker (FU Berlin)
-- Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken (MPI Gravitationsphysik Golm/FU Berlin)

11.10.2010: Luca Capogna and Giovanna Citti - Arnimallee 3, HH, Raum 130

2 pm: Luca Capogna (University of Arkansas, USA)
An Aronsson-type approach to extremal quasiconformal mappings in space.
Extremal problems for quasiconformal mappings typically involve two domains $\Omega, \Omega'\subset R^n$, (or two Riemann surfaces) for which there exists a quasiconformal mapping $f:\Omega\to\Omega'$, and ask for a quasiconformal map $u:\Omega\to\Omega'$ which minimizes one or more of the dilation functions in a given class of competitors which are usually other quasiconformal mappings with same boundary data as $f$ on a portion (or all) of the boundary of the domain $\Omega$ or in the same homotopy class as the given map $f$. In a joint work with Andrew Raich (UARK) we  study this $L^{\infty}$ variational problem from ta novel  point of view  which echoes some of G. Aronsson's work in the 60's, concerning absolute minimal extensions. We derive a non-linear, degenerate elliptic, PDE system as a formal limit of Euler Lagrange equations for $L^p$ approximations for the functional and  we prove that solving such a system is  a sufficient condition for extremality of $C^2$ quasiconformal diffeomorphisms. We also study a family of gradient flows for $L^p$ dilation and prove short time existence of solutions for smooth data.

4 pm: Giovanna Citti (University of Bologna, Italy)
Regularity of non-characteristic minimal graphs in high dimensional Heisenberg groups
Minimal surfaces in the sub-Riemannian Heisenberg group can be constructed by means of a Riemannian approximation scheme, as limit of Riemannian minimal surfaces. We study the regularity of Lipschitz, non-characteristic minimal surfaces which arise as such limits. Our main results results is $C^{\infty}$ regularity of the sub-Riemannian minimal surface.

26.10.2010: SFB Kolloquium
16.11.2010: SFB Kolloquium
23.11.2010: Theodora Bourni (MPI Golm)
Curvature estimates for surfaces with bounded mean curvature
In this talk I will discuss some recent results concerning estimates for the norm of the second fundamental form, |A|, for surfaces with bounded mean curvature. In particular I will show that for an embedded geodesic disk with bounded L^2 norm of |A|, |A| is bounded at interior points, provided that the W^{1,p} norm of its mean curvature is sufficiently small, p>2. This is joint work with Giuseppe Tinaglia.
30.11.2010: SFB Kolloquium
14.12.2010: SFB Kolloquium
11.1.2011: SFB Kolloquium
18.1.2011: Stephan Tillmann (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)
Volume optimisation on triangulated 3-manifolds
In 1978, Thurston introduced an affine algebraic set to study hyperbolic structures on triangulated 3-manifolds. Thurston's theory can be considered as a discrete SL(2,C) Chern-Simons theory on the manifold. Recently, Feng Luo discovered a finite dimensional variational principle on triangulated 3-manifolds with the property that its critical points are related to both Thurston's algebraic set and to Haken's normal surface theory. The action functional is the volume. This is a generalisation of an earlier program by Casson and Rivin for compact 3-manifolds with torus boundary. Combining the work of Luo, Futer-Guéritaud, Segerman-Tillmann and Luo-Tillmann, this gives a new, finite dimensional variational formulation of the Poincaré conjecture and may lead to both a discrete version of the 3-dimensional Ricci flow, as well as a new proof of the conjecture.
25.1.2011: Mariel Saez (P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile)
Multiple-layer solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation on hyperbolic space (joint wok with R. Mazzeo)
In this work we study the existence of multiple-layered solutions to the elliptic Allen-Cahn equation in Hyperbolic Space. More precisely, we consider the equation \begin{equation} -\Delta_{\mathbb H} u+W'(u)=0,\label{ac}\end{equation} where $\Delta_{\mathbb H}$ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator in Hypebolic space and $W$ is a positive potential with two minima. We prove that for any given collection of non-intersecting hyperplanes in $\mathbb H$ there is a solution to \eqref{ac} that has these hyperplanes as interfaces. Our result provides a Riemannian generalization of the work of M. del Pino, M. Kowalczyk, F. Pacard and J. Wei.
1.2.2011: SFB Kolloquium
8.2.2011: Esther Cabezas-Rivas (Universität Münster)
How to produce Harnack inequalities via Canonical Solitons
In this talk, we first review the notion of Canonical Expanding Soliton for the Ricci Flow (which is a special kind of space-time gradient soliton in a certain limiting sense, after stretching a lot the time direction). Then we show how to apply such a new construction to derive new Harnack inequalities for the Ricci Flow. This viewpoint also gives geometric insight into the existing Harnack inequalities of Hamilton and Brendle.
15.2.2011: Armin Schikorra (RWTH Aachen)
Regularität elliptischer Systeme mit antisymmetrischen Potentialen
Es werden Beispiele aus einerseits der Theorie der fraktionalen polyharmonischen Abbildungen und andererseits aus der Theorie der degeneriert elliptischen $n$-harmonischen Abbildungen vorgestellt, welche in Zusammenhang mit Rivieres berühmtem Resultat von 2007 über die Regularität von kritischen Punkten von konform invarianten Variationsfunktionalen in zwei Dimensionen stehen.

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