Seminar für Diplomanden und Doktoranden
Freie Universität Berlin - Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Arnimallee 2-6, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem (Raum 031)
Wintersemester 2005-2006, Montag 16:00 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Klaus Ecker (FU Berlin)

24.10.2005: Oliver Schnürer
Fully Nonlinear Flows of Entire Graphs
Für eine Modellgleichung werde ich beschreiben, wie man ganze Graphen unter einem voll nichtlinearen Fluss fliessen lassen kann. Hierzu will ich dann geplante Verallgemeinerungen diskutieren.
31.10.2005: Amos Koeller
On approximate j-dimensionality and whether it suffices to produce locally finite sets with respect to j-dimensional Hausdorff measure
7.11.2005: Amos Koeller
On approximate j-dimensionality and whether it suffices to produce locally finite sets with respect to j-dimensional Hausdorff measure
14.11.2005: Amos Koeller
On approximate j-dimensionality and whether it suffices to produce locally finite sets with respect to j-dimensional Hausdorff measure
21.11.05: Dr. Felix Schulze
Self-simliar evolution by mean curvature out of a three line configuration
Given three distinct half-lines, meeting at the origin, we show that there exists a unique self-similar solution to mean curvature flow with this initial condition. We require that the self- similarly evolving solution consists of three curves, each asymptotic at infinity to one of the half-lines and meeting at a 120 degree angle.
28.11.2005: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ecker
Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities and diffusion equations
9.1.2005: David Treeby
Wiener’s criterion for the heat equation
4:00 pm: Amos Koeller
Smoothness estimates for Mean Curvature flow

5:30 pm: Gerriet Adena
Hamilton Ricci-flow and the Uniformization Theorem

4:00 pm: Regina Richter
Introduction to Hamilton Ricci-flow
5:30 pm: Bernhard Weber
Introduction to Mean Curvature Flow
4:00 pm: Valentina Vulcanov
Aspects of Perelman’s first paper
5:30 pm: Alexandru Stanciu
Introduction to Inverse Mean Curvature Flow
6.2.2005: Anja Grabow
On a theorem of Gidas, Ni and Nirenberg



Wintersemester 2004-2005
Sommersemester 2005